Hotel Accommodation in Berlin

With over 500 hotels, bed & breakfast's (pensions), hostels and camp site, you are sure to find accommodation in Berlin. However, there is always something happening in the capital - be it a trade fair, congress or event, so be sure to make your booking well in advance to ensure the best choice and price of accommodation.

Make your booking online and take advantage of our special internet rates!
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Or search our comprehensive database of Berlin hotels and select your own hotel accommodation. Search Berlin Hotels

For group bookings, please use our hotel request form and enter your group's travel plans. Request Form

Hotel and B&B's come in all sizes, price ranges and ranking. As you might expect, hotel located in the City Centres (East and West) are usually more expensive than those in the outlining areas, though you will often find better deals in the developing East Berlin.

For more information regarding hotel location and city districts, see city maps in the City Info section.

The table below gives you a rough overview of prices and level of quality.

Average Hotel Rates in Berlin
Price Range (Euro)
(low - high)
Single Room
180.00 - 500.00
115.00 - 250.00
   80.00 - 130.00
   45.00 - 120.00
 30.00 - 90.00
    80.00 - 125.00
Double Room
240.00 - 750.00
150.00 - 275.00
130.00 - 175.00
  75.00 - 150.00
45.00 - 80.00
105.00 - 160.00

Breakfast/buffet is typically included, although not always.

Make your booking online and take advantage of our special internet rates!
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For group bookings, please use our hotel request form and enter your group's travel plans. Go to Request Form

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